Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Managing Alerts

I make this mistake every. single. time.  Whenever I try to manage alerts on a list or library, I always do the following:  I navigate to the list, click List on the ribbon under List Tools, click Alert Me, and Manage My Alerts.  This of course will only show me *my* alerts, whether logged in as a user or as an administrator.  What I really want to do is administer alerts.

What I should be doing to administer lists is the following:

Log in as a site owner.

Navigate to the site where the List that you want to modify exists.

Click Site Actions –> Site Settings.

Under the heading for Site Administration, click on User Alerts.


Here you can select a specific user, see all the alerts that they have set, and for what list.  Really, the only option you have is to delete a user’s alerts for a list. 
